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Believer, Lover, Leader, Follower, Writer, Singer, Wife, Mother, Mimi, Sister, Friend

The Pursuit of Holiness

A.W. Tozer was a brilliant and anointed writer. I have begun reading his book, "The Pursuit of Holiness." Read here a couple of the lines from the first few pages, "Come near to the holy men and women of the past and you will soon feel the heat of their desire after God. They mourned for Him, they prayed and wrestled and sought for Him day and night, in season and out, and when they had found Him the finding was all the sweeter for the long seeking." and "David's life was a torrent of spiritual desire, and his psalms ring with the cry of the seeker and the glad shout of the finder."

"...the finding was all the sweeter for the long seeking..." is just so beautifully said!!! Deep within my heart, it resonates a truth to me. We tend to appreciate things or accomplishments that have not come easily to us or that have cost us dearly in some way more deeply than those that have taken little from us to gain. The satisfaction of finishing a full marathon after months and months of training, the joy of holding your newborn child after hours and hours of painful labor, the relief in embracing your long-deployed loved one returning from a foreign battlefield...these experiences are made sweeter by the sweat and suffering and sorrow spent in their achievement.

And as for me, though I have been captivated by His goodness, surrounded by His love, and hidden in His strength and have found great satisfaction and contentment there; I find those times with Him have only served to stimulate and increase my appetite and my desire for even more. Oh I am longing for the burning fire of God's passion and the weighty presence of His glory in my life.